Most of that info would not show up on his tax return. You are not showing company names, you show income.
just saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
Most of that info would not show up on his tax return. You are not showing company names, you show income.
just saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
Obama had no excuse not to turn over his birth certificate immediately. This is a one page document issued at birth - real simple. UNLESS, You are one of those unlucky one's like me. I never actually needed mine till I was 62 then I could not get it because my just NOT so wonderful mother lied to me my entire life and never told me what my true birth name was. It took us 3 months of guessing games to figure out who I really was. Then we found my birth certificate.
NOW, for Trump's tax return that could be a very complicated issue. The man has many business ventures. Personal tax returns are due April 15th, as long as you have the taxes paid by the 4/15th deadline you may file for 3 month extention to file. This very well maybe necessary for someone in his position, as I have seen it done many times because some of the business ventures maybe partnerships. The partnership tax returns must be completed before Trump can complete his. BUT if the partnership files for an extension that delays the partnership's return and further delays Trump's return. Once Trump's return is filed it maybe subject to audit and if that is the case then he would not be willing to release it to the public until the matter is resolved. There are some clients it actually takes up to two to three years to finalize a tax return with the IRS and God forbid there is a nightmare return you don't even want to know how long and how many days in court it takes before that will get resolved. The US tax code is a nightmare - I hate it!! It needs to be revamped probably put through a shredder!! Although I am very capable of doing my own tax return, I pay someone $375 each year to do it for me just so that there signature is on that line that says prepared by. Because I do not play with the big boys.
I hope that resolves your questions.
just saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
I just got back in and it is midnight. I need to get to bed. 4 am gets here very shortly and I need to get up but I see all these references to me directed to Simon. What is your question?
just saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
I know a lot of companies take hiring very serious maybe some do not. All the companies I have been involved with stick to the rules.
As far as Trump's tax return, he has only been in office a very short time - well excuse me - how long did it take us to see Obama's birth certificate. That should have been a lot easier then some of these rediculous tax returns some of us have to file.
just saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
I do not have the statistics but I do know it happens. I know that if a company has outside auditors that performs annual audits that one of the steps of the audit is to check that personnel files to ensure that all documentation is in the file showing the legality of each employee. I would think Trump's companies are audited annually, he is a pretty smart business man.
just saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
One thing that has been mentioned on this thread is companies hiring undocumented immigrants. If a company gets caught many things will happen 1) company will get hit with sever penalties and fines 2) owners could possibly be looking at jail time 3) undocumented immigrants are facing deportation, if they are on the job site at the time of the inspection they are leaving in hand cuffs. When gov't walk in the door for an inspection they mean business.
stephanie fessler v watch tower.
stephanie fessler was brought up as a jehovah’s witness by her parents, jodee and kevin.
The "Elder" was extremely nice for five years never talked about his beliefs until I asked the wrong question then I got a quick good bye.
stephanie fessler v watch tower.
stephanie fessler was brought up as a jehovah’s witness by her parents, jodee and kevin.
Never a JW I am so sorry for the things you went through as a JW, it was not right. I am from a generation where we just hid what went on in the home. I just connected with a long list girlfriend and we both thought each others parents were great turned out how wrong we were. Both of us escaped the moment we graduated and barely looked back. I was raised by a mother who a high functioning alcoholic but the moment she walked in the front door she became the most abusive human being. She was also strung out on every prescription drug she could get her hands on. Great combo. In our generation we just avoided them. Some of us ran away from home, I became very independent, at the age of 14 started paying my own way and started bullying her, she met her match. That is when she called me the Rebel.
stephanie fessler v watch tower.
stephanie fessler was brought up as a jehovah’s witness by her parents, jodee and kevin.
My daughter is a teacher recently graduated luckily with a lot of scholarships but still a lot of debt. Low pay jobs in the US but if she DOES NOT report suspension of abuse she could say goodbye to her career for good. While these JERK Elders get off with some kind of we are claiming clergy lying two faced. I shall stop there before Simon see the true me!!!
stephanie fessler v watch tower.
stephanie fessler was brought up as a jehovah’s witness by her parents, jodee and kevin.
This case was filed as a civil case. I believe what you are stating are the penalties if this was being brought through the criminal justice system.